V Veliki Britaniji se je konec preteklega vikenda odvijal UK Games Expo. Na njem so razglasili najboljše namizne družabne igre, izdane v VB v zadnjem letu. Zmagovalce v vsaki kategoriji so določili tako z javnim glasovanjem kot tudi z glasovanjem strokovne žirije. Postopek je potekal tako, da je naprej vse igre pregledala komisija in glede na dosežene ocene ustvarila seznam iger. Iz tega seznama iger so nato lahko glasovali igralci. V 15 kategorijah sta zato pogosto po dva zmagovalca. Eden je zmagal glede na žirijo (Judges’ Award winner), drugi glede na glasove ljudstva (People Choice Award winner).
1. Najboljša otroška igra leta (Best Children’s Game)
Judges Award:
Brain Box People at Work (The Green Board Game Company)
People’s Choice:
Rhino Hero – Super Battle (HABA)
2. Najboljša družinska igra (Best Family Game)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
Untold: Adventures Await (Hub Games)
3. Najboljša zabavna igra (Best Party Game)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
When I Dream (Repos)
4. Najboljša družabna euro igra (Best Board Game -European Style)
Judges Award:
Great Western Trail (Stronghold)
People’s Choice:
Photosynthesis (Blue Orange)
5. Najboljša igra s kartami/kockami (Best Card Game or Dice Game)
Judges Award:
Pikoko (Brain Games)
People’s Choice:
Legend of the Five Rings (Fantasy Flight Games)
6. Najboljša ponudba miniatur (Best Miniatures Range)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium (Games Workshop)
7. Najboljša pravila (Best Miniatures Rules)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
Gaslands (Osprey Game)
8. Najboljša abstraktna igra (Best Abstract Game)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
Thieves (Merlin Games)
9. Najboljša razširitev (Best Expansion)
Judges Award:
QueenDomino (Blue Orange Games)
People’s Choice:
Cities of Splendor (Space Cowboys)
10. Najboljši dodatek (Best Accessory)
Judges Award:
DMB Games Resin Dungeon Tile Core Set
People’s Choice:
Big Book of Battle Mats (Loke Battle Mats)
11. Najboljša družabna igra – ameriški stil (Best Board Game – American Style)
Judges Award in People’s Choice:
Rising Sun (CMON)
12. Najboljša avantura v igri igranja vlog (Best Role-Playing Adventure)
Judges Award:
Two Headed Serpent (Chaosium Inc.)
People’s Choice:
The Cthulhu Hack: Three Faces of the Wendigo (All Rolled Up)
13. Najboljši dodatek za igro igranja vlog (Best Role-Playing Expansion)
Judges Award:
Down Darker Train (Chaosium Inc.)
People’s Choice:
Leagues of Cthulhu (Triple Ace Games)
14. Najboljša igra igranja vlog (Best Role-Playing Game)
Judges Award:
Adventures in an Age Undreamed of (Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.)
People’s Choice:
SINS – The Roleplaying Game (First Falling Leaf Limited)
15. Najboljša strateška družabna igra (Best Board Game – Strategic Style)
Judges Award:
Civilisation (Gibsons)
People’s Choice:
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire (Games Workshop)